Persistent Aerial Platform (LTAS)

Persistent Aerial Platform (LTAS)

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Product Specification

Designed for Navy/Coast Guard/Military aerial surveillance. The BiB aerostat can operate in difficult environments ranging from high-winds to high-altitudes. The BiB’s ability to fly in extreme conditions allows you to be mission-ready and able to fly when blimps, other types of tethered balloons and many UAS airframes are

grounded. The BiB leverages wind velocity into line tension. As wind speed increases, the amount of pull on the tether line also increases. The tension on the main tether provides stability to the payload.



·  Operate up to 48 hours continuously (15 minute Helium replenishment cycle)

·  Highly mobile aerial platform (open sky; drag the aerostat behind a vehicle or ship)

·  Reliable and durable with high-availability for mission deployment

·  Low operating costs. Helium is the primary consumable

·  Deployed from ships, ATVs, pickup trucks, police cruisers, emergency command vehicles, man-portable teams, HMMWVs

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